Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the best Delicious Chorizo and Cod Stew recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Delicious Chorizo and Cod Stew
Delicious Chorizo and Cod Stew

Before you jump to Delicious Chorizo and Cod Stew recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Healthy Eating Can Be An Easy Thing To Follow.

Choosing to eat healthily provides great benefits and is becoming a more popular way of living. The overall economy is impacted by the number of men and women who are suffering from conditions such as high blood pressure, which is directly associated with poor eating habits. While we’re constantly being counseled to stick with healthy eating habits, it is also easier than ever to depend on fast food and other convenience items that are not beneficial for us. Most people typically think that healthy diets require much work and will significantly alter the way they live and eat. In reality, though, merely making some minor changes can positively impact daily eating habits.

These more nutritious food options can be applied to other foods such as your cooking oils. Olive oil, for example, contain monounsaturated fats which are known as the good fats that combat the effects of bad cholesterol. It also has vitamin E which is good for your skin, among other things. It may be that you already think that you eat fruit and veggies but it can be worthwhile considering how fresh these are depending on where you buy these. If you can opt for organic foods, you can avoid the problem of ingesting crops that may have been sprayed with harmful pesticides. Finding a local supplier of fresh vegetables and fruits will give you the option of consuming foods that still contain almost all of the nutrients which are typically lost when produce has been kept in storage before it is sold.

Evidently, it’s not difficult to start integrating healthy eating into your daily lifestyle.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to delicious chorizo and cod stew recipe. You can have delicious chorizo and cod stew using 7 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to prepare Delicious Chorizo and Cod Stew:
  1. Get 1 onion, finely chopped
  2. Get 200 g chorizo, chopped into pieces
  3. You need 400 g can of chopped tomatoes
  4. Get 400 g can of mixed beans
  5. Get 4 cod fillets
  6. Take 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  7. Use 1 tbsp Tomato Ketchup
Instructions to make Delicious Chorizo and Cod Stew:
  1. Heat the oil in a wok.
  2. Add the onion and chorizo and fry both until the onions soften.
  3. Add the can chopped tomatoes. Fill the can with water, shake it about, and add the water to the wok as well.
  4. Bring the contents of the wok to a boil. Add the ketchup and stir well once the mixture is boiling.
  5. Gently slip the cod fillets into the wok.
  6. Reduce the heat and let the mixture simmer for about 10 minutes.
  7. Add the beans and let the mixture cook for another 3 minutes
  8. Serve in bowls.
  9. Enjoy!

If you find this Delicious Chorizo and Cod Stew recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.