Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe page, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Two Nut soup recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Two Nut soup
Two Nut soup

Before you jump to Two Nut soup recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Healthy Eating Can Be An Easy Option.

Making the decision to eat healthily provides great benefits and is becoming a more popular way of living. The overall economy is impacted by the number of men and women who are suffering from conditions such as high blood pressure, which is directly linked to poor eating habits. Wherever you look, people are encouraging you to live a healthier way of living but on the other hand, you are also being encouraged to rely on fast foods that can affect your health in a detrimental way. It is likely that lots of people believe it will take a lot of effort to eat a healthy diet or that they have to make a large scale change to their way of life. In reality, however, just making some minor changes can positively affect everyday eating habits.

You can get results without needing to remove foods from your diet or make huge changes right away. It’s not a bad idea if you wish to make big changes, but the most vital thing is to bit by bit switch to making healthier eating choices. Soon enough, you will likely find that you will eat more and more healthy food as your taste buds get used to the change. Gradually, your eating habits will change and your new eating habits will completely replace the way you ate previously.

Evidently, it’s not at all hard to begin integrating healthy eating into your daily lifestyle.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to two nut soup recipe. To cook two nut soup you need 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

The ingredients needed to prepare Two Nut soup:
  1. Prepare 1 cup coconut milk
  2. Prepare as needed Finely chopped carrots
  3. Prepare 2 Finely chopped green chillies
  4. Take 1 chopped cucumber finely chopped
  5. Provide as needed tomatoes coarsely powdered
  6. You need 2 tsp peanuts
  7. Use 1 tsp besan(gram flour)
  8. Provide 1 tbsp oil(coconut or peanut
  9. Use 1 tsp whole cumin seeds
  10. Prepare to taste salt
  11. Provide 2 tbsp finely chopped coriander (optional)
Instructions to make Two Nut soup:
  1. Combine the coconut milk and besan in a bowl, whisk well till no lumps remain or blend in a mixer.
  2. Take oil in a non-stick pan and add the cumin seeds. - When the seeds crackle, add the green chillies (I didn't use) and saute on low flame for a few seconds.
  3. Add the coconut milk-besan mixture, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 5-10 minutes, while stirring continuously, as we do for besan ki kadhi,but without turmeric.
  4. Add the carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, peanuts, salt and ½ cup of water, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 2-3 minutes, while stirring in between.
  5. Add the coriander and mix well. - Serve hot it tastes yumm.

If you find this Two Nut soup recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.