Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, if you're looking for Traditional Greens (Mboga Kienyeji) recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Traditional Greens (Mboga Kienyeji) recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Traditional Greens (Mboga Kienyeji)
Traditional Greens (Mboga Kienyeji)

Before you jump to Traditional Greens (Mboga Kienyeji) recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Healthy Eating Doesn’t Need To Be Difficult.

Deciding to eat healthily provides marvelous benefits and is becoming a more popular way of life. There are a number of health conditions associated with a poor diet and there is a cost to the overall economy as individuals suffer from health problems such as heart disease and high blood pressure. While we’re incessantly being encouraged to follow healthy eating habits, it is also easier than ever to rely on fast food and other convenience items that are not good for us. A lot of people typically think that healthy diets require a lot of work and will significantly change how they live and eat. In reality, though, just making a couple of modest changes can positively impact everyday eating habits.

One way to address this to begin seeing some results is to understand that you do not have to change everything right away or that you need to completely get rid of certain foods from your diet. It’s not a bad idea if you wish to make major changes, but the most vital thing is to step by step switch to making healthier eating selections. As you get accustomed to the taste of healthy foods, you will realize that you’re eating more healthily than before. As you continue your habit of eating healthier foods, you will see that you won’t want to eat the old diet.

To sum up, it is easy to begin making healthy eating a part of your daily lifestyle.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to traditional greens (mboga kienyeji) recipe. You can have traditional greens (mboga kienyeji) using 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to cook Traditional Greens (Mboga Kienyeji):
  1. You need 1 bunch terere
  2. Prepare 1 bunch kunde
  3. Use 1 bunch sukuma wiki
  4. Get 1 bunch managu
  5. Provide 1 bunch spinach
  6. You need 3-5 tbs cooking oil
  7. Use 2 large onions
  8. You need 2 large tomatoes
  9. Get 1/2 cup whole cream/milk
  10. Use to taste Salt
Steps to make Traditional Greens (Mboga Kienyeji):
  1. Remove the stalks from your mboga and cut to desired size. Place in a sufuria and boil for 20-30min until tender, then drain off water.
  2. In another sufuria, heat oil and add onions then cook until tender and translucent.
  3. Add your onions and salt (I also like to add a bit of black pepper coz it's magic ๐Ÿ˜) then cover until tomatoes soften.
  4. Now add your greens and mix well. Lower heat and let them incorporate the onion/tomato mixture for 5min.
  5. Add your cream/milk at this point and mix well, then cover and cook for about 10min. I usually buy my milk from someone who keeps cows so the cream from boiling it comes in handy ๐Ÿ˜‰
  6. Remove from heat and serve with ugali or as a side dish. At this point my kids started throwing tantrums so I forgot to take photos of the finished product haha. I'll update you guys next time. Enjoy!!!

If you find this Traditional Greens (Mboga Kienyeji) recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.