Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the best Sourdough Challah recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Sourdough Challah
Sourdough Challah

Before you jump to Sourdough Challah recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Healthy Eating Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult.

The benefits of healthy eating are now being given more publicity than ever before and there are a number of reasons why this is so. Poor diet is a contributing factor in health conditions such as heart disease and hypertension which can put a drain on the economy. Everywhere you look, people are encouraging you to live a more healthy way of life but on the other hand, you are also being encouraged to rely on fast foods that can affect your health in a terrible way. In all probability, a lot of people assume that it takes too much work to eat healthily and that they will need to drastically alter their way of life. Contrary to that information, people can modify their eating habits for the better by carrying out a couple of modest changes.

One initial thing you can do is to pay close attention to the choices you make when you’re at the grocery as you probably pick out lots of items out of habit. For example, has it crossed your mind to check how much sugar and salt are in your favorite cereal? One nutritious option that can give you a positive start to your day is oatmeal. Add fruits or spices to improve how the oatmeal tastes and now you have a breakfast that can be a regular part of your new healthy eating regimen.

Thus, it should be somewhat obvious that it’s not at all hard to add healthy eating to your life.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to sourdough challah recipe. You can cook sourdough challah using 12 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you do that.

The ingredients needed to prepare Sourdough Challah:
  1. Use For the starter:
  2. Take 2 tablespoons (35 grams/1.2 ounces) very active, fully fermented firm sourdough starter, refreshed 8 to 12 hours earlier
  3. Use 1/3 cup (80 grams/2.8 ounces) warm water
  4. Use About 1 cup (135 grams/4.8 ounces) bread flour
  5. You need For final dough:
  6. Take 1/4 cup (60 grams/2 ounces) warm water
  7. Get 3 large eggs, plus 1 for glazing
  8. Prepare 1 1/2 teaspoons (8 grams/0.3 ounce) table salt
  9. Use 1/4 cup (55 grams/1.9 ounces) vegetable oil
  10. Provide 3 tablespoons (65 grams/2.3 ounces) mild honey or a scant 1/3 cup (60 grams/2.1 ounces) granulated sugar
  11. Prepare About 3 cups (400 grams/14 ounces) bread flour
  12. Use Fully fermented sourdough starter
Steps to make Sourdough Challah:
  1. In the Morning: mixing the sourdough starter: Knead starter into water until it is partially dissolved, then stir in the flour. Knead until it is smooth. Let the starter ferment until it has tripled in volume and is just starting to deflate. (It took me 3hr in room temperature at 30oC - 4 times its volume). If it is winter, you should do it in the evening and it takes more time to rise.
  2. In a large bowl, add the oil first, then use the same cup for measuring the honey — the oil will coat the cup and let the honey just slip right outor sugar until the salt has dissolved and the mixture is fairly well combined. With your hands or a wooden spoon, mix in the bread flour all at once. When the mixture is a shaggy ball, scrape it out onto your work surface, add the starter, and knead until the dough is smooth, no more than 10 minutes. The dough should feel smooth and very firm..
  3. If it is winter, soak your mixing bowl in hot water now to clean and warm it for fermenting the dough. Place the dough in it and cover with plastic wrap. Let the dough ferment for about 2 hours. It took me 2.5h in 28oC.
  4. Line a big large baking tray. I made one big loaf. You can make 2 as desired. Divide the dough into 6 rolls. (170g for each).
  5. Braid or shape them as desired, position them on the prepared sheet(s), and cover them well with plastic wrap. Let proof until tripled in size, about 5 hours. (It took me 2.5 hr in 28oC). When the loaf has not push back Testing the dough by gently pressed with your finger, it will have not push back but remain indented. Brush it with the egg glaze mixed with a table spoon of fresh milk. Sprinkle nuts for your choice (I use Chia seeds).
  6. Preheat the oven to 180oC. Bake 40-45 minutes until golden brown. After the first 20 minutes of baking, switch the loaf from front to back so that they brown evenly; if the large loaf is browning too quickly, tent it with foil.
  7. Remove it from the oven, and let cool on a rack.

If you find this Sourdough Challah recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.