Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe site, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Klepon (Traditional Indonesian Kue) recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Klepon (Traditional Indonesian Kue)
Klepon (Traditional Indonesian Kue)

Before you jump to Klepon (Traditional Indonesian Kue) recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Treats that offer You Energy.

Eating healthy foods makes all the difference in how we feel. When we eat more healthy foods and a smaller amount of the unhealthy ones we usually feel much better. A little bit of pizza will not make you feel as healthy as ingesting a fresh green salad. Sometimes it’s difficult to find healthy foods for treats between meals. You can spend hours at the grocery store searching for an ideal snack foods to allow you to feel healthy. Here are a few healthy snacks that you can use when you need a fast pick me up.

If you are not allergic to nuts, try eating some almonds! As an all-in-one energy booster, almonds provide many health advantages. Almonds are a natural supply of B vitamins along with other vitamins and minerals. They generally do, however, come with tryptophan-the same enzyme that makes you tired after eating turkey. Nevertheless, you may not need a nap after eating and enjoying almonds. These nuts loosen up the muscles and supply a general sense of comfort. From time to time eating almonds could even be a mood increaser!

You will find lots of healthy snack foods you can choose that do not involve a lot of preparation or searching. Being healthy doesnt really need to be a battle-if you let it, it can be quite simple.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to klepon (traditional indonesian kue) recipe. To make klepon (traditional indonesian kue) you only need 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Klepon (Traditional Indonesian Kue):
  1. You need 1 cup grated coconut
  2. You need 1/2 tsp salt
  3. Use 1 tsp sugar
  4. Use 3 strips pandan leaves, about 10 cm, bruised (optional, but it does make the coconut smell sweeter)
  5. Get 1 cup + 2 tbsp glutinous rice flour
  6. Provide 1/4 cup rice flour
  7. Provide 1/2 cup water
  8. Get 1/4 tsp pandan paste (it depends on the strength of the paste, so I suggest you add bit by bit)
  9. Prepare 50 gram palm sugar (the solid type), cut carefully into cubes/splinters
  10. Provide Water for boiling the klepon
Instructions to make Klepon (Traditional Indonesian Kue):
  1. Mix grated coconut with salt and sugar and pandan leaves. Steam for about ten minutes. Remove the leaves. Set to cool.
  2. Combine glutinous rice flour, rice flour, water, and pandan paste. Knead until you can easily form balls with it. If it is too sticky, add more rice flour, if too solid, add more water.
  3. Boil water in a pan. Carefully form a ball and then flatten it. Add the palm sugar inside. Seal it and make sure there are no leaks. Immediately put it in the pan of boiling water. If you make the balls in advance before putting them in boiling water, leaks might occur, so make the balls and plunge them in water as soon as they are ready.
  4. When they are floating, scoop them and roll them in the coconut mixture. If you want a liquid filling, wait 2-3 minutes more after they are floating.
  5. When they have cooled, enjoy!

If you find this Klepon (Traditional Indonesian Kue) recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.